Here I sit on a Sunday afternoon with no NASCAR and no Cowboys. I guess I'll have to try to find something useful to do for a change.
Here I sit on a Sunday afternoon with no NASCAR and no Cowboys. I guess I'll have to try to find something useful to do for a change.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
12:36 PM
I've been playing with the Blogger template and have implemented a few changes to the blog.
First, I've added my own links to the sidebar (to your right). These are just some blogs I like and then some links related to hobbies I enjoy.
Second, I've modified the comments section so that they appear under the post instead of wisking you away to a dedicated comments page. Just click on the comments link below any of the posts to see them. Unfortunately you still have to go to the Blogger comments page to add your own words of wisdom. BTW, a special shout out to Trader Sam at The Head Shrinker blog for showing me this was possible.
Finally, I modified the template to display an icon of Spot (see his post) in front of every post and up on the address bar. He is now preserved for cyber-posterity.
I'm going to be trying some other things in the future so stayed tuned.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
12:18 PM
Labels: Spot
Well, today my odometer hit 42. My descent toward decrepitude continues no matter how much I try to ignore it. Despite my pleas, family and friends refused to let me suffer in silence and insisted in reminding me that time is, indeed, passing.
That said, I am still appreciative of the positive thoughts (and the presents didn't feel too bad, either). But if anyone else out there considers giving me more "reminders", consider buying some toys for needy kids instead. I hear the Angel Tree has been set up and is open for business.
It's interesting how milestones such as birthdays can sometimes make you try to evaluate where you've been and where you're going. As I look back, I can't help but feel that I've kind of squandered this gift we call life. For a while I thought I just hated my job, but I don't think that's really it. I have increasingly noticed the feeling that I am meant to be doing something else. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that "something else" could be. Perhaps the universe will give me an answer before I really do get old.
As for now, I will just have to content myself with playing with my presents.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
10:12 PM
Well, I've shown pictures of Cymbah and Ferrari. I figure their companion (who is thankfully still with me) deserved a picture as well. Here he is in all his glory...Spot. Yes, he's named after Data's cat from Star Trek - The Next Generation. Everyone thought I was crazy naming him no one can imagine him being named anything else.
He's gotten a little clingy since Cymbah's passing. But I'm sure he'll be his same, ornery self in no time.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
10:04 PM
Here is a picture of Cymbah with her "brother" Ferrari. Ferrari passed away two years ago in November of 2003.
Cymbah and Ferrari came into my life when I bought my house in 1991. My sister moved in with me and brought these two critters with her. Over the years I became as attached to them as she was.
Back in the spring, Cymbah's vet informed us of the bad news: a cancerous tumor. At the time we were told she only had a few weeks to live. She lasted over six months. She was a tough old cat. It was only literally the last day that she lost her mobility. The day before she was still following me around meowing.
Ironically, on the day she passed, I was sick and stayed home from work. I never get sick (I hadn't missed a day of work due to illness in over two years). I can't help but wonder if there was a higher purpose that forced me to stay home that day.
I wouldn't say that I was grateful for that stomach flu.....but I was grateful to be home with her that day.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
8:49 PM
My dear, sweet cat Cymbah finally gave up her long fight against cancer this past Tuesday.
She is now with her brother, Ferrari, and her pain is at an end.
Cymbah, I will miss you.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
10:49 PM
Yes. A new blog. Just what the world needs right now. Yeah, right.
So...what is the point of this place? Not much, really.
It's just a place for me to share my thoughts with others that might be interested. Of course, if you don't know who I am, you probably aren't really interested. I'm okay with that.
On the other hand, if you come across something that does interest
See ya around the web.
Posted by
Ensign Eddie
9:00 PM