Friday, August 29, 2008

The McCain Miracle

A few months ago I started hearing about Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as a possible VP candidate for John McCain. I looked her up and was very impressed with what I found out. However, I never thought McCain would have the guts to pick her over some of the more establishment candidate names that were being bandied about.

But, lo and behold, he picked her this morning. With a strong record of valuing personal responsibility and fighting public waste, I think she may be more of a fiscal conservative than McCain. This country could definitely use two of those types in charge. Especially when the other option is a pair of socialist liberals that seem to think every dollar in your pocket should go to the government.

So what, exactly, is the McCain Miracle? Simply that he made a decision that has actually made me EXCITED about this election. I can't wait!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Three Amigos

Here is a picture of Spot, Ferrari and Cymbah (who can be partially seen in the upper left).

The Three Amigos
(on loan from the pettygirl collection)


I was going through a box from parents' old house and I came across a picture. I am not sure, but I think it is my first cat Midnight.

Sadly, I don't remember a whole lot about him. He didn't live as long as any of us would have liked, but he did sire MJ (Midnight Junior) with the beautiful Tiffany.

However, I still remember getting him. My sister Susan was going to get a new kitten and picked Tiffy. For some reason, her little gray littermate caught my eye and we ended up with two kittens that day.

I'm sure my sisters will chime on whether or not the picture is of Midnight. I suppose it may be MJ, but I don't think so. But I think you will agree that's a beautiful cat.


Friday, August 01, 2008

In Memorium (8-1-06)

In Memorium

The pain is mostly gone....but the ache will always linger.

I still miss you Spotty.