Friday, November 07, 2008

1,460 days to go

Obviously I am not happy with the results of the election (and eagerly await November 6, 2012). But, I am first and foremost a patriot so I sincerely hope the new administration does a good job (as I define it, not as they might).

On the plus side, we finally got Joe Biden out of the Senate.

Monday, November 03, 2008

One Day To Go...

Well, election day is tomorrow. As you might have guessed, I support the Republican candidates. In fact, I already voted last week. I just cannot support Senator Obama. I think most of his statements and ideas are just flat-out dangerous for our country. Whether it be stifling free speech (via the Fairness Doctrine), decimating the military (as the last Democrat President did), destroying the best health care system in the world (by bringing the whole system down to a much lower common denominator), or his plan for "economic justice" that will curb initiative and innovation as too many people sit around waiting for a handout instead of being part of the engine that is our economy.

You might not agree with me. That is your right. However, there are some out there that would call me racist because I refused to vote for Senator Obama last week. Race has nothing to do with it. I choose not to support him based on the content of his character, not the color of his skin. I think someone once said that's the way it ought to be...