Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Price of Stupidity

I've been going back and forth about whether to blog about the subject of this entry. It really doesn't portray me in a very positive light. But, you see, I've been really stupid. And it's time to pay up. And part of that is facing both my problem and all of you.

What happened, you asked? I ignored my teeth. For a long time. A really long time. Therefore, Thursday I go under the knife to have six of those buggers removed. Three wisdom teeth and three in various states of broken-ness that can't be saved.

There is a chance if I had had the wisdom teeth removed when my dentist told me to (at least ten years ago) this might not have been so bad. But I was stupid. I was afraid. And now it's gonna cost me. A lot.

If I had been more rigorous in taking care of them and going to the dentist at the first sign of trouble, that would have definitely lessened the problem. But I didn't. I was afraid. And now it's gonna cost me. A lot.

I was stupid. But, on the bright side (I guess), at least I finally mustered the courage to face this and take care of it. But it's gonna hurt more than if I hadn't been so afraid to take care of it a long time ago.

Don't let that happen to you.

I plan to blog about the experience so stay tuned. It should be interesting. Did I mention I was afraid?

However, to prevent this entry from ending such a somber note, check out this.

1 comment:

linda said...

too late...i, too, have not been diligent w/the toofies...i don't mind going to the gyn dr (!) but the dentist..shudder!...i have cut down on the "dark sodas" and brush daily..but alas, we were destined w/the rotties...alot of this is hereditary...take care!