Friday, May 19, 2006

Mickey and Maggie

Meet Mickey and Maggie. Maggie is the tortoise- shell cutie in front and Mickey is the black kitten in the back. I expect their coloring to change somewhat as they grow older.

I picked them up from my vet, Dr. G, this morning. They are strays that were taken in by another of Dr. G's clients who just didn't have the room to keep them. I had asked Dr. G to keep me in mind for some new mouths to feed earlier this year. If you go back to the beginning of this blog you will see why I do have the room to keep them.

My other cat, Spot, has not been the same since I lost Cymbah last year. I am hoping that these new "bundles of joy" will at least give him some amusement while I'm at work. At least he hasn't swatted at them yet.

By the way, the names were given to them by their rescuer and I liked them. Well, actually the male was named Mikey. I misheard her the first time and thought she said Mickey. I guess it's not surprising that a Disneyana fan like me would make that mistake.

However, for some reason I have unconsciously called him Mikey several times today so I'm wondering if that really is his name. Hmmmm....what do y'all think? Where's T.S. Eliot when you need him?

I'll put up some better pictures soon.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Blast from the past

A few days ago I received an interesting e-mail. My old college buddy Jim sent out a bunch of inspiring pictures from Iraq (as opposed to what we normally see on the nightly news....but that subject's for another time) and included me on the distribution.

What he probably didn't know is that I had lost track of him a few years ago. Needless to say, I was very pleased to be able to reconnect with him. I've already exchanged one set of e-mails and am proud to include his blog It's All Up In The Air over there on the right side of this page.

Jim is an airline pilot (and is also with the Phoenix Air Guard) and has some very, very cool pictures on his blog. Check it out!

Jim is also the only person besides avgeek and his wife Amos to ever call me Scooter. In fact, I think he might have started it....

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The last toothy post

I know it's been a few weeks since I posted. But I figured I should at least get online and report that my dental work is finished. I don't have to go back until January (and that's just for a regular checkup).

Man, I can't believe it's over. But is it weird that I'm going to miss seeing my dentist and her assistant? I mean, who am I going to talk to about American Idol now?

Anyway, I'd like to give a public shout-out to Dr. Jennifer Lee Scott and her staff. They made a trying time very easy. And they never once made fun of this old fool.

Remember people.....FLOSS.