Blast from the past
A few days ago I received an interesting e-mail. My old college buddy Jim sent out a bunch of inspiring pictures from Iraq (as opposed to what we normally see on the nightly news....but that subject's for another time) and included me on the distribution.
What he probably didn't know is that I had lost track of him a few years ago. Needless to say, I was very pleased to be able to reconnect with him. I've already exchanged one set of e-mails and am proud to include his blog It's All Up In The Air over there on the right side of this page.
Jim is an airline pilot (and is also with the Phoenix Air Guard) and has some very, very cool pictures on his blog. Check it out!
Jim is also the only person besides avgeek and his wife Amos to ever call me Scooter. In fact, I think he might have started it....
Really? I thought everyone called you Scooter! How funny. I don't think I know you by any other name.
I don't want to give the impression that I mind the nickname. Just that it's not ubiquitous.
i've al;ways wondered where that originated...i've only heard danny call you that on the answering machine...
I coulda sworn back in the dark ages that you told me someone called you that, ergo me picking it up. Mystery solved?
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