Saturday, November 25, 2006

Me and Richard Petty

Hey everyone,

I now have some in common with Mr. Richard Petty, one of my favorite drivers. His famous car was numbered 43. Today, the birthdate on driver's license indicates that my number is 43 as well.

It's been an eventful year for me. Shortly before I began this blog over a year ago, I lost one of dear cats, Cymbah. A little less than four short months ago I lost Spot. I'm still not over that one.

But on the plus side, I had several good things happen (I've written about them previously on the blog....I leave it as an exercise for the reader to find them):

- I took in Mickey and Maggie. They can't replace the loss of Cymbah and Spot, but they are an absolute joy (yes, I know I owe all of you some pictures!).

- On the work front, I took over a new position and things have been going better than I expected. Apparantly, the people I work with think higher of me that I do myself.

- I finally got some overdue dental work done. I can't wait to finally pay the bill in February (note the sly sarcasm in that statement).

I think that's enough for one year.


linda said...

well, that's just fine...have to find out about your new job off your BLOG!! nice! but, glad it's a change for the better-that's always good to hear! man..i thought you were getting me a rad christmas gift, starting that off w/"me and richard petty"! i live w/"it" every day and every year! and proud of it too!!! happy birthday, bro-love ya!

Ensign Eddie said...

I think you misunderstood. I was talking about the whole year. I got the new position (not a new job) about 6 or 7 months ago.

Believe me, if I had gotten a new job I would be in a much better mood. :-)

linda said...

oh, i knew you meant your age..and job/position-almost same difference...that's what i meant...still, didn't hear about least, don't think i did...if it's been that long...again, probably thought it was mentioned when it wasn't or i just missed it...