One Year...
One year...
12 months...
365 days...
8,760 hours...
525,600 minutes...
31,536,000 seconds...
No matter how large the number, it still seems like it was only yesterday that I lost Spot.
I miss you, buddy.
One year...
12 months...
365 days...
8,760 hours...
525,600 minutes...
31,536,000 seconds...
No matter how large the number, it still seems like it was only yesterday that I lost Spot.
I miss you, buddy.
Hang in there.
man...time flies...i miss him too! even when he went mental/ballistic at the's not fair that they can't live as long as we do...but he, ferarri, lance, cymbah, chloe, shelbi, dax, marvin, daffy, fart, tuffy, pudda...are all playing together and are waiting for ya bro...
now you need to post those great new pix of m&m...i loved that one of mick...
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