Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Birthday to me....

Well, today my odometer hit 42. My descent toward decrepitude continues no matter how much I try to ignore it. Despite my pleas, family and friends refused to let me suffer in silence and insisted in reminding me that time is, indeed, passing.

That said, I am still appreciative of the positive thoughts (and the presents didn't feel too bad, either). But if anyone else out there considers giving me more "reminders", consider buying some toys for needy kids instead. I hear the Angel Tree has been set up and is open for business.

It's interesting how milestones such as birthdays can sometimes make you try to evaluate where you've been and where you're going. As I look back, I can't help but feel that I've kind of squandered this gift we call life. For a while I thought I just hated my job, but I don't think that's really it. I have increasingly noticed the feeling that I am meant to be doing something else. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that "something else" could be. Perhaps the universe will give me an answer before I really do get old.

As for now, I will just have to content myself with playing with my presents.



linda said...

hey "scooter" as danny calls you...again, happy birthday! i set mike and i up on separate blogs (mine is linspetty43 and mike's is thunderwolfracing with the obvious www and we had a good visit with our friends in abilene, even got over 15 mph on the tahoe! it was real comfortable to drive the 3 hours to get there and back (that's each way!) but would've stayed to celebrate your "decline" had you wished it..hope you had a great ya! even if i don't say it often enough...(or at all! lol!)

Ensign Eddie said...

Thank you very much. I've added your blogs to my Blog List on the sidebar. Hopefully you two will add more things later.